Working out
You know, the funny thing about work out videos... they don't do you any good unless you actually do them. And it isn't enough to just sit and watch them either. You actually have to get up off the couch and jump around like a monkey on crack.
I have a substantial collection of various workout videos all the way from Tae Bo to Belly Dancing aerobics. All of them promise to be fun and get you to body type that you want, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. My most recent acquisition is the walking aerobics.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. A Walking Video??? Why don't just go outside and enjoy the real thing. I thought the exact same thing. However, it wasn't until I actually tried the videos that I changed my mind, big time. It's a nice workout and incorporates all of the muscles and gets them in motion. Plus, its low impact, for real. No jumping around (easy on the joints and...uh, chest).
The biggest thing that struck me though is that the lady who leads the workout is a Christian, and she contiually talks about how God created our bodies to move. It made me realize that our bodies are supposed to be temples to God, so we're supposed to take good care of them. For years I've been trying to lose weight for all kinds of reasons: for attraction, guys, my own self-esteem, but nothing has worked. However, now I'm faaaaaaar more accountable now. It's not really my own body. I'm just using it for the time being, so I need to take care of what belongs to God, right? So anyway, I'd appreciate prayer that I can finally get rid of this weight and be what God intended me to be.
Good for you Tiffany! I must say that when I saw you guys sweating in the gym the other day, I was convicted! Not just to lose the extra weight I've gained, but just to take care of what I have inspired me!
Hi Tiffany -
Got your comment, it's fun to hear from home!! The Europeans aren't quite as obvious as the Mexicans, but they do try hard! Nothing too embarrassing so far, though, thankfully. :)
Hi, I did that walking video when I was pregnant. I liked it, but then I accidently returned it to the library in another movie's case! OOPS!
Are you girls still doing your workouts? I want to start doing it with you ladies and maybe we can convince my workout partner, cough cough, Helen too :)
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