A very lucky night for Pirates
Last Friday, Pirates of the Carribean II came out in theatres. Surprisingly enough, it was also coming out here in Ketchikan. In case you didn't already know it, my husband and I are avid pirate fans (I know, I can hear the shock in your voice), so going to see this movie was an absolute must. But not only did we need to go see it, we needed to go in "style." There's nothing I love more than dressing up, whether it's formal or goofy. Well, what I neglected to remember was that Maria's bridal shower was that same night. The shower was before the show, but I knew I wouldn't have time to go home and change and then make it to the theatre. Wanting to support Maria in her upcoming nuptials, but also wanting to have the evening I had promised myself, I went to the bridal shower in full "Red Rose Robert's the lady pirate" get-up. Boy, talk about turning heads, but I was surprised at how OK everyone seemed to be with it. Most of the older ladies just chocked it up to "young 'uns having fun."
So at about an hour before the movie started, my "Dread Pirate Roberts (AKA Rick) shows up in our black Acura dragon and sweeps me speedily to the theatre. When we got there, there was already a line a block long. I quickly jumped into line while Rick went and parked the car. Once again, lots of turned heads, but I'm sure they were just wishing that they had the guts to do the same (well, that's what I tell myself anyway). While in line, I made the tragic discovery that this line was all of people who had pre-paid tickets. What the dread pirate and I neglected to get...were tickets. So everyone was telling us, "Oh, you're not going to get in. The show's completely sold out." Talk about all dressed up and no where to go.
When Rick showed up, I told him what was going on. We decided to go ahead and hang out and just see what happened. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long. The lady that was in front of us was with 3 teenage girls and I over heard them talking about selling their tickets. I asked them if they had tickets they didn't intend to use and they answered that they had 4 people but only 2 tickets. Well! Rick and I were two people with no tickets! I offered to buy the tickets off her for $10 a piece(which amounts to about the same I would have paid the theatre anyway). They made a hasty retreat, and at the time, I didn't think about it. The guy in front of us was kind of suspicious and told us to take a close look at those tickets. One of my brother's friends then pointed out that one of the tickets was a child's ticket. We'd been ripped off! I wasn't so worried about the money, except that I knew they wouldn't let us both into the theatre with that ticket.
The lady who runs the theatre then came out to the line and shouted, "The movie is sold out! If you don't have a ticket, you might as well go home because you're not getting in!" We called her over and showed her our tickets and asked if we could just pay the difference and upgrade it to an adult ticket. She gruffly sighed, rolled her eyes, and said, "I'll have to think about it, but you got ripped off." I'm not quite sure why it was such a big deal. I mean, isn't a butt in a seat a butt in a seat, regardless of if it's a child's or not? So while Rick and I stood in line with much anticipation, my brother Sean comes up and says, "Hey Tiff. You left the lights on in your car." Oops. Well my stud of a husband runs down the street in his piratey attire to go save "The Dragon." The suspicious man ahead of us turns around and chuckles, "Man, you guys just aren't having much luck tonight." Rick's gone for a long time, and the line starts moving. What if he doesn't come back in time? There's still the problem with the second ticket. Do I just take the one good one and leave him out with the car? Oooo, bad pirate thoughts! No, here he comes again, running as only Rick can. As we get up to the door, the lady looks at us, and very sympathetically says, "We won't worry about it. I'll just let you guys in." Hurray! We thanked her profusely and made our way in. I think she felt sorry for us because we got "ripped off." Hey, I'll take it anyway I can get it.
Now, Rick and I were pretty far back in the line, almost some of the last people. You would think that there wouldn't be any good seats left. Not true. We got some of the best seats in the house. Towards the back of the theatre I spotted two empty seats right in the center. They were open because on either side of them were two rather big guys. Who wants to crawl over scary-looking big guys just to get a theatre seat? Well, Red Rose Roberts would! Actually, both of the guys were good friends of ours; which worked out really well, because I hate yelling and having a good time when I'm surrounded by people I don't know.
The show was awesome! If you're a PotC fan, this movie is a must see. Warning, it is a little bit more gruesome than the first, so preview it before letting your kids see it. I just keep thinking about what the suspicious man said to me: "Man, you guys just aren't having much luck tonight." We got into a completely sold out show when we didn't have tickets; we were informed about our car before the battery died; we got really good seats in a croweded theatre; and got to enjoy a good movie with friends. I'd say we had pretty "lucky" evening. Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings flow!
So at about an hour before the movie started, my "Dread Pirate Roberts (AKA Rick) shows up in our black Acura dragon and sweeps me speedily to the theatre. When we got there, there was already a line a block long. I quickly jumped into line while Rick went and parked the car. Once again, lots of turned heads, but I'm sure they were just wishing that they had the guts to do the same (well, that's what I tell myself anyway). While in line, I made the tragic discovery that this line was all of people who had pre-paid tickets. What the dread pirate and I neglected to get...were tickets. So everyone was telling us, "Oh, you're not going to get in. The show's completely sold out." Talk about all dressed up and no where to go.
When Rick showed up, I told him what was going on. We decided to go ahead and hang out and just see what happened. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long. The lady that was in front of us was with 3 teenage girls and I over heard them talking about selling their tickets. I asked them if they had tickets they didn't intend to use and they answered that they had 4 people but only 2 tickets. Well! Rick and I were two people with no tickets! I offered to buy the tickets off her for $10 a piece(which amounts to about the same I would have paid the theatre anyway). They made a hasty retreat, and at the time, I didn't think about it. The guy in front of us was kind of suspicious and told us to take a close look at those tickets. One of my brother's friends then pointed out that one of the tickets was a child's ticket. We'd been ripped off! I wasn't so worried about the money, except that I knew they wouldn't let us both into the theatre with that ticket.
The lady who runs the theatre then came out to the line and shouted, "The movie is sold out! If you don't have a ticket, you might as well go home because you're not getting in!" We called her over and showed her our tickets and asked if we could just pay the difference and upgrade it to an adult ticket. She gruffly sighed, rolled her eyes, and said, "I'll have to think about it, but you got ripped off." I'm not quite sure why it was such a big deal. I mean, isn't a butt in a seat a butt in a seat, regardless of if it's a child's or not? So while Rick and I stood in line with much anticipation, my brother Sean comes up and says, "Hey Tiff. You left the lights on in your car." Oops. Well my stud of a husband runs down the street in his piratey attire to go save "The Dragon." The suspicious man ahead of us turns around and chuckles, "Man, you guys just aren't having much luck tonight." Rick's gone for a long time, and the line starts moving. What if he doesn't come back in time? There's still the problem with the second ticket. Do I just take the one good one and leave him out with the car? Oooo, bad pirate thoughts! No, here he comes again, running as only Rick can. As we get up to the door, the lady looks at us, and very sympathetically says, "We won't worry about it. I'll just let you guys in." Hurray! We thanked her profusely and made our way in. I think she felt sorry for us because we got "ripped off." Hey, I'll take it anyway I can get it.
Now, Rick and I were pretty far back in the line, almost some of the last people. You would think that there wouldn't be any good seats left. Not true. We got some of the best seats in the house. Towards the back of the theatre I spotted two empty seats right in the center. They were open because on either side of them were two rather big guys. Who wants to crawl over scary-looking big guys just to get a theatre seat? Well, Red Rose Roberts would! Actually, both of the guys were good friends of ours; which worked out really well, because I hate yelling and having a good time when I'm surrounded by people I don't know.
The show was awesome! If you're a PotC fan, this movie is a must see. Warning, it is a little bit more gruesome than the first, so preview it before letting your kids see it. I just keep thinking about what the suspicious man said to me: "Man, you guys just aren't having much luck tonight." We got into a completely sold out show when we didn't have tickets; we were informed about our car before the battery died; we got really good seats in a croweded theatre; and got to enjoy a good movie with friends. I'd say we had pretty "lucky" evening. Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings flow!