Pickrell Pirates

Well everone ELSE was doing it, so I guess we ought to as well! Actually I was checking out Becky's blog and saw how many others were keeping in touch with their blogs. What a wonderful idea! So anyway,... I'm going to bore you with my news too! Whoo hoo!

My Photo
Location: Ketchikan, Alaska, United States

Now is the time to adjust to yet another new normal. We have forgotten what sleeping through the entire night is like.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Working out

You know, the funny thing about work out videos... they don't do you any good unless you actually do them. And it isn't enough to just sit and watch them either. You actually have to get up off the couch and jump around like a monkey on crack.
I have a substantial collection of various workout videos all the way from Tae Bo to Belly Dancing aerobics. All of them promise to be fun and get you to body type that you want, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. My most recent acquisition is the walking aerobics.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. A Walking Video??? Why don't just go outside and enjoy the real thing. I thought the exact same thing. However, it wasn't until I actually tried the videos that I changed my mind, big time. It's a nice workout and incorporates all of the muscles and gets them in motion. Plus, its low impact, for real. No jumping around (easy on the joints and...uh, chest).
The biggest thing that struck me though is that the lady who leads the workout is a Christian, and she contiually talks about how God created our bodies to move. It made me realize that our bodies are supposed to be temples to God, so we're supposed to take good care of them. For years I've been trying to lose weight for all kinds of reasons: for attraction, guys, my own self-esteem, but nothing has worked. However, now I'm faaaaaaar more accountable now. It's not really my own body. I'm just using it for the time being, so I need to take care of what belongs to God, right? So anyway, I'd appreciate prayer that I can finally get rid of this weight and be what God intended me to be.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

One year under the ol' belt

Well, as of the 9th of June I have officially completed my first year of teaching. And I have to say, it was an absolute blast! The kids were wonderful and we were able to have tons of fun (granted, I only had 3 students but we still kicked it none the less).
This summer I was looking forward to taking it easy. Rick is now working on the Ferry System (thank you Jesus) and he's bringing home the bacon, so to speak. So, having passed off the bread-winning duties to my husband I was looking forward to doing some gardening, getting my house in order, and tying up all my loose ends... No such luck.
I have a new found respect for all school secretaries. I am definately NOT cut out for the job. I'm filling in until they hire somebody permanent. I AM goin back to teaching! I've only had about 3 hours worth of training by someone who had just had her wisdom teeth removed and was doped up of IBprofen. I know absolutely nothing about accounting (I'm lucky to make 2+2= 4). Everthing is on Quickbooks and I'm afraid to do anything because one thing effects it all!
I'm also heading up the 4th of July booths this year. It was only supposed to be the beanbag booth, but through various circumstances I have to help out with the food booth too. I need to learn to stop volunteering. Actually, I should rejoice that God is keeping me so busy. This way I'm active and socializing when I'd probably just be sitting inside playing videogames until my brains leaked out my ear (there's a picture for you).