Alrighty then...
So I haven't been keeping up on my blog. But I've been reluctant to just rant and rave about how awful I've been feeling and how I have really low moments when I just hate everyone. No, that never makes for a good read. But things are looking up!
We're having a new addition to the family! No, sadly, not another baby just yet. We're working up to that. Thank God for Krista Kegel! We've both been working out. Her insentive is to have hot arms when we go down to Chicago over spring break and my insentive is to be one sexy momma (a baby making machine). MAN! I've really changed since 2006! Anyway, after flipping 2007 the proverbial "bird" I'm looking forward to bigger and better things. Where was I... OH YEAH!
Rick and I have long talked about his longing to get a dog. That stipulation was that we needed to be financially sound. Well, Rick is working full time at Alaska Airlines, and things are going really well. It's been awhile since we've had a steady, duel income. I'm loving it! Rick saw on the KGB website that there was a young puppy up for adoption. We vaguely talked about it and I kind of hinted that I would be fine with a dog now. Yesterday I tried sneaking down to the animal shelter to take a look at her and possibly surprise my husband with a new love. However, I got there at 4, which is when they closed. I was rather disappointed. Rick would have loved the surprise. Later, at home, I explained to Rick my intent and my disappointment. During the course of the conversation about the dog, Rick said, "You know, I'm pretty sure she wasn't even at the shelter. I'm pretty sure she's at the vet." That sneaky-sneak had already gotten her! HE was going to surprise ME! *Sigh*... aw, love is a wonderful thing. Anyway, we get to pick her up on Saturday. We're both really excited. I'll take pictures and fill you in later.