Be watchful...
Later that evening, my mom and I were invited to a women's conference. Now, we were invited by someone I respect very much, so I had kind of a dilemma about whether or not I was going to go. But I had resolved that if there was something that I needed to do, I was not going to use Azalea's sorrow as an excuse any more-- I've already done that too much. So, we went.
Perhaps some of you who are here in Ketchikan went to that conference, and perhaps you really had a remarkable experience meeting the Holy Spirit there. I truly hope so. That was not the case for me. Now I don't shy away from events where people worship differently than me. In fact, I relish it. I love worshipping with God's family, regardless of where they call their "home." But this event was quite intimidating for me. And there was something that was simple not right. The focus appeared to me on loudness and the worship leader. There was the speaking of tongues from the stage, but no interpretation. I know that there's a prayer language, and we should use it, but if you're going to do that, put the microphone down! I sincerely did go there with a mind to worship and be encouraged by my sisters, but instead I brought something else back with me. I left there extremely annoyed-- and rather judgemental.
Later that weekend, I found out that one of my friends was doing something that I thought was rather stupid. I was really mad! I didn't understand why it affected me so, I mean, it wasn't like they were screwing up my life. Well I stewed about this for days. I gossiped and slandered, and by the time Sunday rolled around I felt yucky, guilty, and just down right horrible. I couldn't fully enter into worship, because I knew that something was not right in my heart. But I couldn't shake it!
Pastor Cooke was preaching about putting off the old man and being transformed by the Holy Spirit. I had heard this before, and knew I should be renewed, but why couldn't I. Then God gave me a revelation. He reminded me of a conversation I had had with Sean the night before. Sean was playing drums for that conference, and he had expressed to me that when he left, he was exceptionally angry. He didn't even listen to music on the way home because he was so mad. He then told me that he knew there was an evil presence with him there. He said that he was just so tired that he simple told the demons to go away. When I remembered this, I had to stop and think-- Did something come home with me from that conference that was not the Holy Spirit? Yes, something had, and it was appealing to my old self who was vengeful, easily angered and judgemental. I was annoyed, no longer with people, but at how easy it was for the enemy to slip in through my defenses. I immediately spoke the name and Jesus Christ and demanded that the demons go away and take my old self with them. Instantly my heart was relieved, I had joy again, and my sore throat that I had all day was gone. Rick refers to it as God healing the land. Now, I'm not saying that demons made me do the things that I did, because I made my own choices; and I obviously had something inside me still to be latched onto.
Here's my point-- as Christians we must always be watchful. When we go to worship somewhere, anywhere, how does it line up with Scripture. They may tell you that you are going to meet the spirit there, but how do you know what kind of spirit it is? They may intend the Holy Spirit, but even the enemy can come to church unless you tell him to get out. I picked up some demons at a "Christian" function, and that troubles me. Now, I don't think any less of the women who were there, and some of the ladies I still respect a lot. I'm sure for some it was an uplifting time, and again, I hope it was. But always be watchful, and always be on your guard.