Pickrell Pirates

Well everone ELSE was doing it, so I guess we ought to as well! Actually I was checking out Becky's blog and saw how many others were keeping in touch with their blogs. What a wonderful idea! So anyway,... I'm going to bore you with my news too! Whoo hoo!

My Photo
Location: Ketchikan, Alaska, United States

Now is the time to adjust to yet another new normal. We have forgotten what sleeping through the entire night is like.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Goofy Girls

I have been having way too much fun with my girls and a camera. When I say "my girls" I mean my baby and my dog. We've been very busy. Haddy is growing bigger, has tried lots of fashions, and we've still been doing what we usually do.

For walks outside, Haddy's been wearing her fashionable GAP coat that Krista's grandmother sent up for her. Here she's impersonating a Greek Fisherman.

Here Zatara is impersonating a deer. Isn't she talented?

Zatara and Haddy are becoming fast friends. I still don't let the dog kiss Haddy, however. Not until Haddy can at least fight back.

As Haddy gets older, she's getting a bit more shy and secretive. I think she's hiding something...

I can't imagine what it could be!

Haddy's ready for show biz. Already it's becoming a serious ordeal. We get stopped in grocery stores all the time with people just wanting to admire our baby. It's a bit annoying at times, but it also reminds us how incredibly blessed we are.

Sometimes Haddy likes to dress as an old lady and sleep for a long time. I can't really blame her. I do the same thing all the time.

Earlier this week, Haddy and I both had doctor's appointments. Dr. Haddy once again donned her scrubs so that she could help out. I love this outfit. It's just so darn cute.

Whew! After all that, who doesn't love a good, relaxing cup of coffee?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Haddy the Socialite

So we've still been pretty busy, even with a newborn. Rick and I have really been purposing to still be involved with ministries and to include Haddy. It's been interesting. Haddy actually does amazingly well in social settings. She's been held by dozens of people, oohed and aahed over, and traveled tons. Yet, she doesn't seem to really get upset until we just stay at home. How ironic is that? Anyway, here are some of her adventures.

Haddy made her first appearance at church this last Sunday. She did really well. Everyone is amazed at how much hair she has. Here she is with her buddy Ashlen. She's half Ashlen's age (2 weeks compared to 1 month) and she's nearly twice the size. Look at her, she's already got that super model pose going for her.

Haddy's on the drums! Literally. It was pretty funny. During worship practice, Gramma sat Haddy on the congas while Daddy played. She actually quite enjoyed it. She almost fell asleep. Guess that'll be Daddy's new lullybye.
Haddy went with my mom and I to the Mother's Day breakfast. Scott Walker offered her some bacon and eggs, but Haddy decided to order the 'ala Mom special.
Haddy joined us for worship practice last Tuesday as well. She did really well during the singing, but she got hungry during prayer. I'm very blessed to have a daughter who absolutely loves music at such an early age. Right now her favorite song is "Mighty to Save." Seriously, I'm not making this up. She could be screaming her head off and I start singing that song, she quiets right down and listens. God is good.
Haddy's been having upset tummy lately, which makes a parent feel utterly helpless. Daddy's solution is dancing. It's rather cute. He has Haddy do the "Haddy Hop," which usually includes a goofy song and lots of kisses. What a great Dad.

Monday, May 04, 2009

The Lord provides!

Allow me to yet again mark another milestone. Like the Israelites, I need to make my rememberances so that I do not forget how incredibly AWESOME God is!
In my last post, I had mentioned how I was convinced that Satan tried to kill my dog yesterday. I'm still pretty sure of it. The situation is just bizarre! I mean, like I said, that box of Slug Bait sat within the dog's reach for over a year. And when we put the box outside, it sat there for at least 3 days and she never touched it. There were indeed evil doings afoot.
Well, lastnight Rick and I talked seriously about what was going on. We purposed that we need to pray together more and read the Word together more. We also talked about how we were going to pay for Zatara's treatment. We were expecting it to be in the vicinity of $1300. What with the emergency hours (it was a Sunday after all), the treatment, and her overnighting at the vet. I had been saving up for a new washing machine, but I pretty much saw that money fly out the window. And we contemplated barrowing from others. But God had other plans.
Last month I had received a bank statement that addressed Rick's savings account. We weren't even aware that he still had a savings account, let alone had any money in it. It said there was about $400 in there. Rick called this morning to double check, and sure enough, there it was. Later, the vet called and said that Zatara was ready. My heart still anxious, but I knew God was going to pull us through somehow. I called the vet back and asked how much the bill was going to be, just to see how many strings I needed to pull and what I needed to shift around. The bill was only $443!!!
I immediately began crying and fell to my knees praising God! What a miracle! God literally pulled money out of now where! Both Rick and I were amazed, but not surprised. We have an almighty God fighting for us. The Lord gave us victory over the devil. And this just confirms to me that Zatara has an important role to play as well. She is Haddy's guardian. She's also a part of this family, and the Lord knew that we needed her. Give praise and glory to the Lord, for He is GOOD!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Pictures to go with the story.

Here we are arriving for induction at 5:00 am. Look how happy we were. Boy, we really had no idea what we were in for.

Waiting for the Pitocin to kick in took an extremely long time. Part of the problem was that I had to be constantly monitored and I couldn't get up out of bed. This hurt my hips really bad. Krista read "Inkheart" while I read "Sisters Grimm." Are we teachers or what?

Only after prayer and a change in position did labor finally start. I kept a keen eye on the baby's heart rate to make sure that it didn't drop any more. Mom helped me out with my hair and was a constant comfort.

Haddy went home wearing her scrubs. Doesn't she look cute? Now she can go to work with Uncle Sean and look all professional.

Rick is the best dad in the world. What a wonderful husband! After enduring me screaming in his face for 4 hours straight, he still only expressed love for me. He's taken to being the king of diaper changes; he gets up in the middle of the night to comfort Haddy; he tries to let me sleep as much as I can; and he works hard to provide for his family. I love this man so much! And Haddy is pretty fond of her daddy too.

What a cutie pie! She can already wear hair clips and she isn't even a week old. Haddy is so expressive, especially when she's awake. I love her dark, dark eyes. What an amazing blessing from God!

Grandpa is absolutely smitten with Haddy. Every spare moment he had, he spent it with her. Unfortunately, Dad had to leave for Coastie stuff until the 15th of May. I know he's missing his granddaughter terribly. We're taking lots of pictures though and sending them to him.

The family has been having a ridiculously good time with Haddy. She's just so much fun! How gloriously blessed we are!
Thank you for your prayers. Please do continue to pray for us. We have a beautiful child who was born through prayer and who has been a huge testimony to us. Haddy has already been the youngest person in attendance at any Clover Pass prayer meeting. Satan is trying to discourage us. This morning he tried to kill our dog. Yes, it is a bold statement, but I'm pretty certain of it. There was a box of Slug Bait that I was sure was out of her reach when she was on her chain, and she had NEVER touched the box even when it had been sitting in the entry way ever since we've had her. But, somehow, this morning she tore into it. It could have been fatal. Zatara is Haddy's guardian. She keeps a close eye on that baby. If anything were to happen to her, it would be devastating. We took her to the vet and they expect her to pull through alright. But now that we took an animal to the vet for an emergency, I know that the bill is going to be astronomical. I'm not working, so financially we're REALLY stepping out in faith. I know God's going to provide. I just don't know how much for of these attacks I can take. Pray for us. Pray for us to be protected, watchful, and strong.